Thursday, November 17, 2011

Quite popular!

I've come across too many instances to ignore this "issue" (if you can call it that).
I find it so interesting that people have such a strange concept of the unknown.  "I don't understand why or how things started or happen, so, I'll fill my ignorance with a mythical (biblical, koranic (is that a word?) or the god of your choice) human-created character from old times to make some sense of things."
I fail miserably to see how filling our ignorance with god, zeus, allah, superman, batman or the flying spaghetti monster is going to answer anything or enhance our lives; on the contrary, it only adds to the problem because now we have to understand and explain the existence of such creator.  And due to the creator's complexities, there must be a creator for him/her/it.
If the "creation" is so damn perfect, why do we die from sickness? Why is there sickness or evil in the first place?  I haven't heard a coherent answer to these questions so far from any theist.  They all resort to the good-old "how can I question the will of god?" which doesn't answer anything at all and it does absolutely nothing to enhance our understanding of the world as we know it.
Now it turns out that according to Francis S. Collins ( his god of the gaps is so concerned about our species and puny little planet that started the Big Bang and is now orchestrating evolution with complete disregard for the 98% of the other species that did not make it through the evolutionary process, including dinosaurs and of course the famous dodo (
Again, this conclusion only raises more and more questions that are now part of the mythical field because there is no god to study, investigate, ask questions to or even prove his/her/its existence!
"You can't disprove it", neither can you disprove the orbiting teapot or the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and his Noodly Appendages which created us and is worthy of our worship (being sarcastic here of course!)
"It's a matter of faith", which is another excuse that only deviates the attention from the unanswerable questions about the mythical god who is supposed to be responsible for the creation of the Universe.
When are we going to wake up to reality and understand that there is no god?  I guess the people who survived the death process (yes, death is a process which has many consequences to the brain chemistry, research has found solid explanations to the death process:  Consider too that only a small percentage of people who's heart has stopped experience a near-death experience) should have some knowledge about the afterlife, but they really never went there because their brain activity didn't cease completely, so to really know what happens after we die cannot be investigated and because of this fact it cannot be accepted as true.
The so-called self-proclaimed "prophets" seem to share some interesting characteristics: Ignorant, from a desolate part of the world and some could even be considered just plain crazy.  Are we so gullible to believe the teachings of a crazy dude in the dessert than a person who has done research for many years?  Now, there are some crazy scientists who still believe the "prophets'" fairy-tales for a reason that is beyond me; but there is hope because this is the exception within the community of scientists and not the rule (
It would be wonderful if we all realized that what we do here and now is the only thing that matters instead of wasting valuable and non-recoverable time praising and singing up to the sky in a senseless effort to reach a non-existing entity.  Those resources and intelligent minds could have been used towards research or creation of new and innovative technologies that will make our lives better and/or would improve our communities, schools and population in general.
Have we realized yet that mega-churches and the organized crime have very little differences?: Make an offer to the community which cannot be refused: "Do as I say or die in hell, but if you listen to me you'll have the greatest riches."  Isn't that the same offering the organized crime is giving our youth?  "If you don't distribute my drugs, I'll kill your family and I'll leave you last, but if you do, I'll make you rich!"  How is that different from "Preach my book to everyone and pay me 10% of all your income plus other generous offerings or stay alive in torture and pain for all eternity, but of course, if you do what I tell you, you'll be super rich in heaven!" Am I the only one here who can see through the "Offer you can't refuse"?
I hope some day we'll have no religion and we'll learn to accept the truth even if we don't like it.  I'd rather take the truth as it is, even if I don't like it (of course, I would love to really know that I'll have 72 beautiful girls in a heaven that is paved with gold and there's no suffering and only harmony and happiness, but what good is that promise if it isn't true and tangible?) instead of imagining that Superman will come here and weed out all the evil and give me happiness for no reward whatsoever.
For the longest time, I tried to make sense of the teachings of the Bible (why is that in capital letters? Just throwing a question up in the air) but I couldn't.  It just doesn't make any sense that the wrathful father would have a merciful son that was never born a spirit nor it was created by the father, but just "was" just like the father and the holy ghost and that all these characters are not three, but one and that there's organizations and philosophers still trying to make any sense of this debacle.  But it doesn't stop there, these three-to-one gods (wait, I thought Christianity was a monotheistic religion) decided to make rules for humankind to break, so that there would be the need for forgiveness because this three-to-one gods are all wrathful and despise sin, which are offenses to the rules they gave humanity to break... on purpose.  Then this three-to-one gods send a savior to reach "down" and rescue humanity from the sin this mythical character created.
But instead of making things simple and just erradicating all evil and creating a heaven on earth and making the beloved "children of god" happy for all eternity and providing all things needed, like food, water (did you know that only 1% of all the water in this planet is potable? Some merciful and intelligent god that would make such stupid proportions considering that he/she/it knew we'd be 7 billion inhabitants in the world this year) and a perfect weather, with no need for horrible sex (having sex with just any woman without the marriage ritual is a sin, some intelligent god!) and with enough resources to support all of us with plenty of resources, he/she/it decides to have his/her/its creation suffer throughout their lives in this world for no apparent reason or purpose.
Things only make sense when we step away from mythology and set foot on this earth and this three-dimensional reality which tells me that I'm part of a species in this world and that there are other species that I could be dinner to and that I'm consuming other species for the sole purpose of survival.  When I understand that I can then see that I need to take care of that species I'm consuming because my survival depends on theirs and with this information I can make important and life-preserving decisions which would be impossible to make if I had a blinder of religion over my eyes and I was only looking forward to the afterlife with complete disregard for the issues at hand.
People, please make sense!!

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